About Us

Breakthrough Fire Ministry Int'l

Breakthrough Fire Ministry International​

Breakthrough Fire Ministry International started on the 4th of January 2017, with ten (10) persons in attendance at its first Bible Study meeting in Apostle Eugene and Pastor Marian’s living room in Minnesota, USA. The offering on that first Church meet was $ 34.00 and to the glory of God that money continues to grow and multiply in the work of the Lord.

We are a Church that; <br> believes in Jesus Christ

As a ministry, we believe in the fire power of the Holy Spirit that refines, sanctifies, purifies and equally destroys everything that is not of God. We believe oppressions and demonic manipulations are real because the word says so. We emphatically know that more real is the reality and uncontending power of God (Omnipotent), in Jesus’s name.


We empower people to serve CHRIST

As a ministry, we hold as true the belief that everything that has a name must bow in the name of Jesus Christ, for all power belongs to Him and that the enemy has no scriptural right to manipulate the destinies of believers; it is the right of believers to live a fulfilled life.

Hence, this ministry is saddled with the divine mandate to restore the divine rights and destinies of believers.


Our Vision

The purpose of BFMI is to glorify God by making ordinary people become Disciples of Christ, who exalt God, edify other believers, evangelize, start in their own local communities, and extend disciple-making to the entire world.


Our Mission

The mission of BFMI is to produce mature, growing disciples, plant Churches around the world, and raise up the standard of living of the less fortunate through the gospel. We define a disciple as a believer who intentionally walks with God, lives the word, contributes to the works of the Church, and impacts the world, so as to progressively become more like Christ, in accordance with God’s word. Mark 16:15-20.



About Apostle Eugene O.K Davies​


In 2019, Apostle Eugene graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry at T-Net Center for Pastoral Leadership, Minnesota Graduate School of Theology, in Minnesota, USA. Bible School Certificate course at Freetown Bible Training Center (FBTC), in Sierra Leone.

Apostle Eugene and his wife, Pastor Marian Davies have been in full-time dedicated Ministry service to the Lord since 2009, and since then as an ordained servant of God, have served in different capacities, including: Evangelist, Pastor, and Apostle to the glory of God the Father. He has also worked as an Instrumentalist, Chorister, Intercessor, Account, etc. in service to the Lord.


Associate Pastors

Pastor Brenda Dorleh

Pastor of Women’s Department


Pastor Dennis Solleh

Pastor of the Men’s Department.